Touching, Interesting Journey through the 70s Rock Scene

I’ve only read one other time travel story, so I didn’t have any preconceived notions of how this should play out. As it turns out, I totally enjoyed this element, especially because it had the characters traveling back to the 70s – an era that doesn’t get much play in romance. I loved “meet cute” between these two. It was a great way to start off the sparks. The setting and period details of the story were absolutely fabulous. I felt like I was experiencing the hippie movement myself!
I’ll definitely read more of Annie Seaton for her lyrical writing alone. I also loved the story concept – a rock star moving forward in time to find the love he’d written about forty years ago…destiny and all that! The connection between Davy and Megan was heartfelt…and the heat level was steamy! I felt the secondary characters – especially Bear and Slim – contributed a lot and it would be fun to get their stories as well!